
My name is Sam. I’m not really sure what I’m doing, but I’m stumbling through anyway. What I do know is that I care about this earth we’re living on and its inhabitants. I’m a huge advocate for using buying power to create change. I only purchase cruelty-free products, and I’m trying my best to become an ethical consumer when it comes to things like fashion. I’m also a vegetarian and a budding vegan. I’m super enthusiastic about learning new things about living ethically and environmentally-friendly so if there’s anything you ever want to know about, just let me know, and I’ll try my best to answer your questions! And feel free to correct, or add to my posts by commenting or emailing me at samantha.miker@yahoo.com.

My blog is still a baby, so it’s a little slim now, but I promise it’ll pick up if you stick around!

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